The Official International Competition of Vaulting, test by test
An international competition of Vaulting takes place in two phases. Only the 12 better individual men and the 20 better individual women of the first round are selected to participate in the second. The longer should put the horse in a working gallop, on a circle of 13 meters’ diameter at least.
Since 1997, under the pressure of the FEI, France and Germany, the horse’s mark took more and more importance. Today, 2 of 6 judges concentrate only on the performance of the horse and the longer, which represents approximately 30 % of the final mark.
Individual competition
The senior’s category is open from 14 years old without age limit. In each test there is a feminine and a male ranking. Individual competitions include 4 programs: a imposed program without time limit, executed 1 time in the first round – a technical program of one minute, executed only in finale – a free program of one minute, executed 1 time in every round.
Team competition
The team competition is mixed. A team is composed of 7 persons. In senior’s team there is no age limit to compete. Team competitions include 3 programs: – a compulsory program of 6 minutes – a free program of 4 minutes, executed 1 time in every round. Each of seven persons has to realize all the compulsory figures and at least one of the exercises of the free program.
The programs
Each program is composed by a music, chosen by the acrobats.
Compulsory program: 1 entrance; 2 base; 3 banner; 4 mill; 5 scissors front and rear; 6 up; 7 amazon
Technical program: this program is marked the quality of the compulsory technical figures, the originality of their introduction and highlighting, the control and the link with the horse. Five technical figures permit to appreciate the relaxation, the coordination, the flexibility, the balance and the strength of the acrobat.
Free program: Generally, more appreciate by the spectators because its often impressive. In this program that the acrobat can express a strong emotion, share with the spectators a personal story by giving free rein to his imagination, and so, establish a direct contact with the public. This program has to be the reflection of the acrobats’ abilities and its physical control, always in osmosis with the horse. Each figure has to be kept at least 3 strides of gallop to be recorded. This program is marked according to its degree of difficulty, its composition and its execution. In team, the program includes figures with one, two or three acrobats.